Siyum Mesechet Eruvin

Siyum Mesechet Eruvin

The melacha of carrying (hotza’ah), while not actually creating anything itself, is counted as one of the 39 primary creative activities forbidden on Shabbat because it is the activity that actualizes all creativity. Nonetheless, since it doesn’t actually create anything, it is known as a weak melacha. This weakness, I propose, allows the rabbis to account for the overarching value of community. In this siyum on Mesechet Eruvin, dedicated to the memory of Yakir Yamin Hexter, HYD, I explain that the primary message of Eruvin is the promotion of social harmony and community unity.


סיום מסכת ערובין

Tags and keywords: Vayehi, Community, Unity, Melacha Grua, Creativity

Shiur No: 558

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