Herein you will find Mois Navon’s publications covering a broad range of topics in the realms of Jewish law and lore – essays that delve into modern topics such as robot ethics and autonomous systems as well as discussions on biblical interpretation (parshanut), Jewish law (halacha) and philosophy (machshevet). The essays have been published in journals such as AI and Ethics, Frontiers in RObotics and AI, the Torah u-Madda Journal, Hakirah, Jewish Thought, Jewish Bible Quarterly, B’Or Ha’Torah, Alei Etzion, Shofar and Chidushei Torah, as well as popular websites such as the Jerusalem Post, Aish.com, Lehrhaus, Arutz Sheva and more. In addition, as a member of the Ptil Tekhelet Association, Mois has written extensively on the topic of tekhelet and his articles can be found here as well. Finally, Mois has published a weekly parsha column in the Times of Israel which can be read there.
The Moral Response to Radical Evil – A Jewish Perspective on War
SSRN (pre-print)
2024 / 5784
Polemics on Perfection – Maimonides’ Last Law on Slaves Resolves the Debate
Review of Rabbinic Judaism
2024 / 5784
A Jewish Theological Perspective on Technology
St. Andrews Encyclopedia Of Theology (SAET)
2024 / 5784
Let us make man in our image-a Jewish ethical perspective on creating conscious robots
AI and Ethics
2023 / 5783
Autonomous Weapons Systems and Battlefield Dignity – A Jewish Perspective
“Alexa, How Do You Feel about Religion?” Technology, Digitization and Artificial Intelligence in the Focus of AI
2023 / 5783
The Virtuous Servant Owner – A Paradigm Whose Time has Come (Again)
Frontiers in Robotics and AI
2022 / 5782
The Trolley Problem Just Got Digital – Ethical Dilemmas in Programming Autonomous Vehicles
Forthcoming in B.D.D.
2024 / 5784
Can We Identify the Techeiles? Three Objections and Three Responses
2012 / 5772
Blessing the Sun and the Redemption of Creation – Analysis of Birkat Hahama (Hachama)
Arutz Sheva Judaism
2009 / 5769
Gratuitous Hatred (Sinat Hinam) – What is it and Why is it so bad?
Arutz Sheva Judaism
2009 / 5769
A Mountain Over Their Heads: The Pedagogic Value of Coercion
Arutz Sheva Judaism
2009 / 5768
Rosh Hodesh Adar – Reflections on Dialectical Experience
Arutz Sheva Judaism
2009 / 5769
Greater is the One Commanded: A New Perspective on an Old Dispute
Chidushei Torah Journal
2008 / 5769
Erev Yom Kippur: The Purpose Of The Day As Seen Through Talmudic Anecdotes
Chidushei Torah Journal
2007 / 5768
Anticipation And Consummation: A Perspective On The Shofar
Alei Etzion Journal
2007 / 5767